An Open Letter to Sen. Lieberman
I sent this to Sen. Lieberman today by e-mail. I will also be sending a hard copy to his office. I think it's time that we who support health care reform remind the Senator that during the last...
View ArticleProfiting on Paranoia: Part III
During the original post, I also mentioned Glenn Beck and how a huge majority of his sponsors were gold sellers. I was told at the time by conservative bloggers that this didn't fit into the same...
View ArticleWe Don't Elect Kings In America
It began as a wildly improbable dream. A black man, born of a Kenyan father and a Kansas mother, raised in some far off country called Indonesia. We listened to the rhetoric when he told...
View ArticleTea Party Gets Tea Bagged
Over the past year I've spent a lot of time blogging about the Tea Party Movement. The gist of the posts revolve around the fact that the movement is silly to watch, they are not as "grass roots" as...
View ArticleSen. "Cruella" McCaskill
I’ve been a fan of Senator McCaskill for some time. I like the fact that while she takes a fairly liberal stance on social issues, she tends to be fairly conservative on fiscal decisions. And what...
View ArticleWe The Corporate Entity
Tuesday, January 21, 2010 will go down in history as one of the most pivotal dates in our nation. On this date the Supreme Court altered the legal view of corporations that had been held for the past...
View ArticleRhetoric vs. Reality
On Friday following the State of the Union address, President Barack Obama made an appearance at the annual GOP House Retreat. His purpose was to address the assembled representatives and answer...
View ArticleThe Watermelon Hypocrisy
Liberals have spent a lot of time over the last two years calling out the Right for both real and alleged racism. Any comment made by a GOP politician or a Right-wing commentator has been played and...
View ArticleThe Myth of the Fiscal Conservative
There’s been considerable discussion on right wing blogs and media lately discussing economic issues. The size of US debt (which is considerable), the dangers of such a high debt (which are true) and...
View ArticlePoster Child for the Party of NO!!!
Sen. Jim Bunning (R-KY) is back in the news again. You remember him....the Senator who singlehandedly held up passage of the unemployment benefits extension bill while complaining that in doing so he...
View ArticleRefreshing the Tree of Liberty
The very far Right has adopted a quote of Thomas Jefferson lately. You see it on Tea Party signs at protests, hear it quoted on talk radio and read it constantly on the web. (And it’s ironic that...
View ArticleAn Open Letter to Angry Liberals
Dear Angry Liberals:I understand your dislike of extending the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy. After 10 years of watching the rich get richer while the working “joe” takes home less and less…I’m angry...
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